Detailed Historical Timeline:
- 1934 - Earliest document is Walter Hardin’s (on Manatee County Fish and Game Association) promoting the natural wildlife and habitat encouraging northerners to vacation here. Hardin wrote a letter to editor stating that Manatee County Fish and Game Association deserves credit for working with Sarasota County Fish and Game Association in the creation of the Myakka River Valley Park project with 10,000 acres in Manatee County. Manatee County Fish and Game Association was a local game association under the State Conservation Board, First Congressional District, headquartered in Orlando as part of the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee.
- 1935 - Sent meeting notice to be held at the Parrish School Building with the following encouragement: “Do you believe in the conservation of our Fish and Game? Do you want to see some concrete efforts made to restock and conserve these resources, Florida’s Greatest Assets? If you do, here is your opportunity.” Manatee-Sarasota Fish and Game Association was formed as group of hunters and fishers with the following pledge taken by members:
- I pledge that I will observe and abide by the game and fish laws of our state; I especially pledge not to hunt out of season and promise to observe the bag limits on all game and fish. I promise to protect all private property, including opening and closing of gates and doing my utmost to prevent fires. I wish to give timely warning to all would be violators that I will not shield them, but on the contrary, I pledge myself to give active support to our state and federal conservation officers.
- 1936 - Restocked bass (30,000) in Gilley Lake and Gamble Creek with Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission 51 members with dues of 50 cents. Saved documents from 1934-1949 and one for 1989 are housed reported to be in Eaton Room in Public Library.
- 1937 - Against deer slaughter to fight deer tick; attempted to have robalo (snook) declared a game fish unsuccessful in deference to local commercial fishermen; attempted to have rabbits declared a game animal to deter poachers and illegal hunting – “really officer, I’m only shooting rabbits;” restocked quail (Texas stock) and turkey. Meetings held at Parrish School, Manatee County Court House and Jigg’s Landing prior to club house; a member organization of the Florida Conservation Council.
- Hiatus during WWII
- 1949 - Attempted to get legislation passed to ban seine and stop nets at the mouths of inlets, canals, etc.
- 1953 - 4.9 acres at 6508 Quonset Road near Braden River off of Linger Lodge Road given to Manatee County Game and Fish Association by Wayne W. and Mary Terry. “If the Association is still active at time of the reconveyance the consideration shall be used for the …purposes of the Association, but if the Association is inactive and has virtually abandoned its functions, then the net proceeds of the consideration shall be paid to Sunny Land Council, Boy Scouts of America, for the use and benefit of the boy scout activities and program of Manatee and Sarasota Counties.”
- 1958 - Association chartered as the Manatee and Sarasota Counties Fish and Game Association. Dues $3.
- 1968 - Frying chicken and providing drinks and all to bring pot luck sides.
- 1974 - Frying chicken and providing all the trimmings – mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls and dessert; plus a Mary Mulvee donated pineapple upside down cake to be raffled with funds for the maintaining the club house.
- 1980’s - MSF&G Days fishing on Okeechobee rim canals. Annually participated in the Bradenton Herald’s Fishing College providing BBQ hog sandwiches, smoke mullet and key lime pies. Catered the Ducks Unlimited meal. After our monthly chicken dinners, had speakers on various topics: turkey calling, taxidermy, hunting and fishing methods for local areas, etc.
- 1984 - Incorporated to become Manatee-Sarasota Fish and Game Association, Inc. (charter number N00967) and established as a 501 c 3 organization. Per charter “upon dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all of the assets…for charitable, educational, religious of scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 © (3) …., as the Board of Trustees shall determine. OR Court of Common Pleas…Awarded the 1984 Outstanding Outdoorsman of the Year Award at the annual Fishing College by the Bradenton Herald with a Butler print (hung at club house and now at Parker’s house): The Chase; opposed dumping of contaminated materials into the Gulf, and backed our protest with a cash contribution to the Manatee County Chamber of Commerce to help fight the dumping; contributed $50 to study effects of dredged material disposal in the Gulf; requested rock material from deepening Alafia River and Big Bend Channel available for artificial reefs be placed off shore of Manatee County; .
- 1982-1988 - Convened an annual Sportsmen’s Rendezvous at the clubhouse in cooperation with National Hunting and Fishing Day; headed the Save Our Snook bumper sticker campaign with the funds forwarded to the Florida Wildlife Federation; constructed and placed over 35 wood duck boxes; sent kids to Forestry and Fish and Game camps; supported the acquisition of public lands for hunting in Manatee County; sponsored sea oats protection signage with Eagle Boy Scout; supported opening of Lake Manatee to fishing with outboard motors up to 20 mph; cash donations given to Mote Marine Lab for study and control of Red Tide; requested size and bag limits be imposed on speckled trout and redfish; opposed the closing of the Manatee County Gun and Archery Club Range.
- 1985 - Built cement block addition to the club house supported Save the Green Bridge campaign;
- 1989 - Rented building to church for $300/month; club affiliated with Florida Wildlife Federation
- 1985-1989 - Hosted sportsmen flea markets first as part of Sportsmen’s Rendezvous.
- 1987 - JR Marlow and Chick Parker built the club’s smoker.
- 1988 - Requested Florida Dept of Environmental Regulations include Withlacoochee River be included on the list of Outstanding Florida Waters; requested Florida Marine Fisheries Commission immediately ban the taking of all finfish by way of purse seines from Florida waters lying in and adjacent to Manatee, Hillsborough, and Pinellas counties; supported protecting Rattlesnake Key, People for Emerson Point Committee and “Save our Shoreline” petition; participated in Wildlife Awareness Festival at South Florida Museum; Guest speakers at meetings with topics including: Xeriscaping-Waterless Landscaping, Lake Manatee reservoir and watershed, Schroeder-Manatee plans for development in the Braden River watershed,
- 1986-2017 - Kids Fishing Tournament; renamed Jerry Hill Memorial Kids Fishing Tournament in 2007; continues 31 years later; 1984 and 1985 Yvonne and Harry Bedell ran a fishing tournament with Bradenton Bass Club help for two years at the American Legion on SR 70 at a very large pond. Cleared brush, and set up bank fishing with cane poles. Jerry Hill wrote articles on Bedell’s tournament. After second one, over three hundred kids, too big, that needed to go for bigger group of volunteers and brought it to Fish and Game to take it over.
- 1989 - Continued fundraising for cement block addition to building (estimated cost $38,337.70). Auction and Banquet planned to support building fund. Catered dinner for Builders Association and Ducks Unlimited. Rendezvous and flea market combined. Fly-tiers interest group met periodically. Sent four children to wildlife camps. Began Roller Rig Battle and harvesting of black mullet. Advocated for Becker and Exteck property (eventually named Duette Preserve) to get land open for public use. Renamed our monthly club newsletter to Wilderness Watch. Meeting programs alligators, castnet making, artificial reef program, baitfish, fishing at Lake Okeechobee, Mote Marine,
- 1990 - Hosted Annual Auction and Banquet at the Club House March 15 1990 at the club house raising approximately $10,000, evolved to The Taste of Florida continuing through 2006 at a variety of venues: Fair Grounds, Bradenton Auditorium. Okeechobee Week August 6. Program by Florida Marine Fisheries Commission, by Florida Marine Patrol, and about turtles, sponges, artificial reefs, talk by bay fishing guide. Supported public ownership of the Sister’s Keys Islands in Sarasota Bay. Convened Candidates Forum.
President Chick Parker explains the acronym SCORE that describes our goals: Stewards Conserving our Resources and Environment. Stewards means that we are individuals who have the responsibility and authority to take charge of our resources and environment and give direction. C for conserving, like conservation, dictates that we, as a part of our community, use only the excess resources and that we always assure that the proper seed is cultured and nurtured to regenerate for the future generations. R for resources and may be animal, vegetable, or mineral. While we target animals, we must ever be aware that man himself is an animal and so goes the way of the animals and the environment, so goes man. E is for Environment and it all works together in a comprehensive whole, each piece affecting all others in some way. - 1990-1999 - Rented the building out (e.g. 30 times in 1992) using paid rental agent/custodian (Yvonne and Harry Bedell); sent four children to Forestry Camp; supported a strong bottle bill; supported strong protection for mangroves.
- 1991 - Sold smoked mullet and pork barbecue at Bradenton Herald Fishing College; created a resolution to take to Home Owner Associations to ban all nets for fishing except hand held cast nets or dip nets. Against re-zoning or sale of property for mining phosphate in Manatee County. Program topics included: taxidermy, proposed purchase by county of tract surrounding Gilley Creek,
- 1992-2017 - Since its inception when it was first held at our Club House through 2000, have sponsored the annual Manasota Envirothon for 25 years. For the last many years provide the funds for lunches for all participants that Forestry cooks.
- 1992 - Contracted with The Nature Conservancy ($5000) to conduct Historical Vegetation Analysis and Natural Communities Management Recommendations of the Manatee County owned property known as the “Esteck-Beker” or Lake Manatee Watershed Property later to be named Duette Park then Duette Preserve. This report formed the basis for the current Land Management Plan for Duette Preserve ensuring that it would include a hunting program and permits available. Members participated in the night time animal surveys. Advocated for and supported installation of a Quality Wildlife Management Program aka Hunt Program at Duette Preserve. Sent eight children to Forestry Camp. Sponsored prize at school district’s science fair for winner of an ecology-related project. Program topics included: skin cancer, birds and bird habitats, Wildlife Rescue, forestry at Duette Park, and Candidates’ Forum. Advocated for saving Bean Point for public access. 582 at Kids Fishing Tournament. Participated in Year of the Gulf. Raised $17,741 through A Taste of Florida.
- 1993 - Amended by-laws to include the annual bestowing of the Harold Crawford Award to members who “personify the ideals of this organization by working actively toward conservation and game propagation,… loyal member who displays enthusiasm in working on club projects and other club works.” Donated money for trees for Arbor Day planting by students. Chick Parker and Zach Zacharias serving on Manatee Counties ELMAC (Environmental Lands Management and Acquisition Committee.) Letter to FPL to lower air pollution. Raised $20,000 at Taste of Florida and $1,500 at Fishing College. Sierra club presented MSF&G plaque in recognition of our conservation work. Program topics: antique tackle,
- 1994 - Celebrating Our 61st Year Fifth Annual Auction and Banquet; club house used by environmental teachers for a workshop by SWFMD; Added key lime pies to Fishing College menu. Club organized in committees: Education, Membership, Building, Conservation, Ways and Means. Requested County to purchase Jiggs Landing. Loaned smoker to other organizations e.g. Booker HS, VFW. Made $25,000 on Taste of Florida. Six kids sent to forestry camp. Seeing difficulty in publishing Wilderness Watch. Endorsed Project Reef Keeper to have EPA set water standards. Objected to hazardous waste incinerator and orimulsion, endorsed recycling. Held political forum and asked candidates to respond to a survey about environmental priorities. Planted two cypress trees by pond in memory of Lynn Silvertooth and Ed Benson. Board had 17 members.
- 1994-2016 - Hosted Annual Environmental Summit inviting representatives from other environmentally-minded groups to discuss issues of mutual interest including political forums during election cycles. Fifteen organizations represented.
- 1995 - By Laws updated including a new Mission Statement describing the Purpose of the Association: The Manatee Fish and Game Association, as Stewards Conserving Our Resources and Environment (SCORE), proactively participate with the community by leading, advising, funding, educating, promoting, practicing, and modeling sound practices to conserve fish and wildlife and its habitat.
Advocated for a strong Endangered Species Act. Became member of Florida League of Conservation Votes. Program on Orimulsion. Club house assessed at $128.705.00. Opposed drilling in the Artic and Gulf of Mexico. Ramped up opposition to burning Orimulsion at the Parrish Plant. Supported Sarasota Bay be included in the SWIM Management Plan. Public hearing on Duette Land Management Plan recognized MSF&G for leadership in developing the plan. - 1996 - Program: Wildlife Funding Diversity Initiative. Made $1600 at Fishing College. Supported artificial reef construction, opposed moratorium on endangered species list. Port Director writes letter to MSF&G withdrawing support for Taste of Florida in form of volunteers and cooking equipment because of our opposition to Orimulsion resulting in Port Authority Chair supporting Director’s position and several news article and editorials about his decision and a condemnation by the North River Republican Club. Port Authority directed Director and Port Chair to meet with our group. Generated letters from several commissioners to mitigate damages and in support of MSF&G. Commissioner McClash indicated Director feels he made a mistake in sending the letter. Urged CARL Committee to list for purchase Rattlesnake Key and related lands around Terra Ceia Bay in Manatee County. Supported teacher workshop on Water Resources with lunch and waiving rental. Funds from Save our Snook fund ($100 for arrest and conviction for all fish and wildlife violations. Six kids to forestry camp. Paid over $1200 for roof repairs. Supported transfer of scrub jays from IMC property to Duette.
- 1997 - City of Palmetto proclaimed second Saturday in May as Green Bridge Fishing Tournament Day. Pledged $1000 to support purchase of Riverview Point Property. Continued opposition to Orimulsion. Raised $20,000 at Taste of Florida. Joined Chamber of Commerce. Supported federal transportation money for greenways. Port Director provided history of port and environmental priorities and invited us to field trip of port. Discontinued June and July meetings. Hosted political forum at Annual Environmental Summit. Again catered Ducks Unlimited dinner. Flytiers met monthly. Programs: Wild Fire Burn Awareness, Defender’s of Wildlife, Emmerson Point Park land plan, Pinellas’ Junior Ranger Program, Rye Wilderness Park. Offered to County Commission to pay for a peer review to monitor the work of finalizing and implementing the Duette Land Use Plan. Gave funds to ELMAC to hire an assessment and recommendations concerning cogan grass in Duette Park. Representative member (Jim Knowles, alt. Mary Sheppard) served on Environmental Advisory Committee of SWFWMD. Convened Ride and Hike Duette Park. Opposed use of Duette lands for sheriff’s cows. Supported middle of road approach for deer quotas on Duette Park. An example, clubhouse rentals for one month -$1123.00, another $4,485 and 577.00. Hosted Hunter Safety Course at club house as well as Manasota Envirothon, and retirement party for Adolphe Roger’s (area game warden) retirement party. Participated in River Cleanup Project. Sought scientific support for cogan grass control at Duette.
- 1998 - Priorities: Seek balance between the preservation of historical cultural resources, and the restoration of natural areas in the management decisions of others; as population growth requires changes in land use, support change which have the least impact on natural systems; educate our youth about the joy of fishing and hunting and the stewardship of our environment; protect coastal and upland conservation lands for recreation and preservation through acquisition, easement, and other means; reclaim, restore and maintain natural ecosystems (habitat) by sound land management practices; promote diversity and sustainability of native species. Hired a paid secretary and to produce newsletter. Began discussing possibility of selling the club house with current appraisal at $210,000 because of the development of lands surrounding the building.
- 1999 - Lincoln Middle School SWFMD science field trip ($400). Awarded a $5000 Bay Mini-Grant from the Tampa Bay Estuary Program to produce an educational video on Emerson Point and donated 6 copies of video, “The History and Culture of Emerson Point” one for each branch. No DU at club house because of loss of parking. Club smoked meat for them at the Fairgrounds. Began communicating with membership about merits of maintaining the club house, purchasing other property, or converting assets of club property into a trust fund for perpetual conservation and education funding. Investigated establishing a foundation.
- 2000 - Filed 1099’s for five employees: Diane Stickler – Taste of Florida Assistant and Wilderness Watch ($1966.50); Michael Johnson- lawn work ($3335); Linda Deutsch – Treasurer work ($840); Patricia Wanless Branch – Administrator ($808.33); Yvonne Bedell – rental agent and custodian ($1853) for total of $8802.83. Participated in Keep Manatee Beautiful Plant a Tree Program. No longer member of Chamber. Supported Myakka Conservancy/Outdoor Conservancy fundraiser. Sponsored Lincoln MS and Johnson MS Little Manatee River study field trips. Donated $1,000 to “Save Pine Island.” Programs by charter captains, FWCC K-9 demo. Sent student to FFA Florida Outdoor Adventures Youth Conference. Taste of Florida moved to fairgrounds with profit of $25,000. Held candidates’ forum. Terry’s (original donors of property) were give first right of refusal and they refused. Advertised to sell property.
- 2001 - Sold the property (4.9 acres and building) on Quonset for $250,000, netting $242,985; subdivisions had taken over the pastures used for overflow parking at events. [Building now remodeled into a private home.] Intention to specify in by-laws that funds for building sale to promote conservation. Supported the net ban legislation to protect the mullet population. Purchased storage trailer. A Direction Setting Meeting noted the following issues: need to build war chest; shrinking volunteer help; need to hire more help; losing the heritage/culture of “old Florida.” Purchased storage trailer. Donated tables and benches to Duette Preserve, Boy Scouts and gun club. Supported idle speed for areas within Terra Ceia Bay. Environment/Conservation Summit held at Manatee River Garden Club. Programs: Update on Duette Preserve; update on artificial reef program; Coast Guard Auxiliary; redfish hatchery program and genetic research of redfish. Supported FISH with pledge of $1000. Sought locations club meetings. General meetings held at Power Squadron. Purchased 19 reef balls to be deployed off Emerson Point with four to have memorial sign attached for deceased members.
- 2002 - Sent $1000 to Lincoln MS for field trips to Duette Park. Paid for sprinkler system at Lake Manatee State Park. Programs: raising and releasing snook; red snapper and Gulf of Mexico stock enhancement; fly-fishing for tarpon, redfish and snook; Great Outdoor Conservancy; history and purpose of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Hosted a Candidates’ Forum. Contributed $900 to Conservation Campaign. Due to lack of volunteers and competition by DU and decided to produce A Taste of Florida in 2003. Expressed to County Commission that referendum be used for conservation lands.
- 2003 - Taste of Florida at Bradenton Auditorium with entertainment and dancing made approximately $6000. Contributed $5000 for 40 acre restoration project at Duette Park to plant long leaf pine. Concern that multi-faceted tax referendum may not pass. Decided to save money and meet in members’ homes so can contribute more to projects. Again supported Lincoln MS’s water quality monitoring program at Little Manatee River. Programs: tackle maintenance; Snook Foundation’s history and research; No longer providing programs since turn out at 10 or less. Environmental/Conservation Summit on Referendum for 1 cent sales tax to purchase environmentally sensitive lands. Gave $1000 to Manatee County Forever to support tax referendum. Contributed $200 for Duette’s Kids Hunt.
- 2004 - Taste of Florida netted $10,000. Purchased Bay Reef Balls with plaque inscriptions MSF&G in memory of Pete Turner, Capt. Chuck Collins placed in-shore off Anna Maria Sound. Participated in Snooty’s Birthday Bash. Sponsored Lincoln MS’s water quality monitoring project. Programs: Crowley Museum and Marine Center, Boy’s and Girl’s Club Enviro Camp, back yard ponds, net knitting. Duette pine tree project was underway. Gave $500 for Enviro Camp project.
- 2005 - Scrub Jay project at Duette, hunting and fishing crafts e.g. nets, calls, flies, powder horns, Tampa Bay Conservatory about ways to facilitate land trust in Manatee County. Hosted organizational meeting for Environmental Lands Coalition Trust Fund.. Agreed to use up to $100,000 as seed money to purchase environmentally sensitive lands. Gave $950 for LMS advanced science students to use Emerson Point as a living lab. Eagle Scout coordinated with club to plant 500 long leaf pines at Duette Park. Taste of Florida made $9500. Donated $1000 donation to Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina relief.
- 2006 - Participated in monofilament recycle program. Reviewed proposed changes to Fish and Wildlife Commission. Board meetings held at Palma Sola Botanical Park. Work consisted of Taste of Florida, Environmental Summit, Envirothon, and Kids Fishing Tournament.
- 2007 - Supported Merrie Lynn’s participation in Uplands Module of the IFAS U of F Master Naturalists Program to develop a guided tour of Duette Preserve. Programs: Mariposa Key Resoration, TBEP’s Fertilizer Ordinance campaign. CCA’s saltwater hatcheries. Donated $500 to assist 4-H to attend national meeting. To Fish and Game Commission – “We believe the definition of a muzzleloader should be a description of the firearm and not include the ignition device, propellant component nor projective capable of being used in the firearm designated as a muzzleloader.”
- 2007-2016 - Provided $1000 for four years scholarships to six graduating high school students who were committed to studying wildlife and its habitat.
- 2008 - Applied for a grant from TBEP to buy native plant materials for Mariposa Key Restoration Project. Continued work of Kids Fishing Tournament, Environmental Summit, Envirothon. Environmental Summit, County Administrator, Director of Natural Resources describe rationale for closing the Environmental Department questioned by panel of representatives from Sierra, Audubon, Manasota 88, Native Plant Society and MSF&G. Purchased copies of Ecosystems of Florida by Myers and Ewel for members to self-educate. Spoke to BOCC in opposition to compromising wetlands compromised onAltman Tract Mining. Many conversations among board about how to revitalize organization and focus on clear direction.
- 2009 - Renamed Kids Fishing Tournament to the Jerry Hill Memorial Kids’ Fishing Tournament. Sent contributions to Reef Relief and Tampa Bay Watch. Received a $7500 Tampa Bay Estuary Program mini-grant for The Mariposa Restoration Project for native plantings and maintenance. Established investment accounts at SunTrust Bank. Requested Sheriff’s Department to MOOOve the cows off of Duette Preserve property. Began exploring website for MFS&G. Environmental Summit: Craig Pittman and Andrew Waite of Paving Paradise: Florida’s Vanishing Wetlands and Failure of No Net Loss. Rick Gullett invited us to support 2nd Annual Ben Gullett Mullet Invitational sponsored by Star Fish Company and The Islander to benefit FISH. Sought investment ideas. Gave $500 for 4-H Land Judging and Range Contest in Oklahoma. Supported CCA’s efforts of saltwater hatcheries within the stimulus package. Protested Bradenton Herald’s decision to not have an outdoor editor.
- 2010 - Requested SWFWMD purchase Thunderhead Ranch in Manatee County. Invested funds with Sun Trust in a variety of ways. Encouraged county to provide better access to water ways and provide cleaning tables. Continued to talk about using networking media e.g. Facebook and website. Sponsored a two day on site workshop with environmental community on Duette Preserve to flesh out a guided tour. Worked with other organizations on county’s wetland policies. Made $1200 on Gullett Mullet. Environmental Summit regarding Amendment 4 Thaxton con and McClash pro. Participated in trash clean up and planting at Mariposa. Funded lunch for Forestry’s Gap Creek cleanup. Funds from Gullett Mullet to youth outdoor experiences. Advocated for Camp Flying Eagle to be one of Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission’s Outdoor Centers. Advocated for the reauthorization of the Clean Estuaries Act for the National Estuaries Program. Letter to US representatives and BOCC opposing all further exploration and oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Letter to BOCC supporting Manatee County Fertilizer Ordinance patterned after the model provided by the TBEP. Supported EPA’s action to establish nutrient standards in Florida.
- 2010-2017 - Developed guided tour of Duette Preserve in partnership with Manatee County’s Natural Resources Department; has sponsored professional naturalists to guide four free wagon tours annually through Karen Fraley Willey and Russell Owens of Around the Bend Nature Tours: Discover Duette – Active Exploration at Duette Preserve. Provided a prize for Manatee County Fair photography of nature.
- 2010-2015 - Partnered with Rick Gullett and his family to conduct the 3rd – 7th Annual Ben Gullett Mullet Invitational and Fish Fry. Locations at Power Squadron, Palmetto Point and Bayshore Gardens. 2016 supported Rick taking tournament to the Terra Ceia Village Improvement Association’s Mullet Smoke Off. 2010 $1500.00
- 2011 - Established website Encouraged County Commissioners to vote against Mosaic waiver on extension near Duette Park unless stipulations met; expressed concern about new Wetlands Ordinance drafted by county staff; advocated for local fertilizer ordinance; voice opposition to additional tree farming on Duette Preserve. Held club sponsored Scalloping Adventure Summer 2011 for members at Crystal River. A TBEP Golden Mangrove Award Finalist. Concerned regarding plan to plant bahia grass for profit on Duette Preserve as well as tree planting for silvaculture. Worked with other environmental groups to influence the County Wetlands Policy. Donated to Old Braden River Historical group $2000 for Braden River historical sign at Jigg’s Landing. Agreed to purchase website support. Donated $1000 to Archbold Biological Station for Jay Watch program. Heard from Duette Ranger about tree planting and heard about economic impact of artificial reefs, scallops and goliath grouper. Sent letter to BOCC in support of reef program. 2011-2015 Contributed fishing equipment via grants to Discount Tackle to the physical education fishing classes at Lakewood Ranch HS and Riverview HS
- 2012 - Old Braden River Historical Society’s Inc. returned $2000 for the signage project at Jigg’s Landing. We pledged to continue supporting the signage project; however, the Park and Natural Resources Dept. do not plan any more signage. Supported efforts of Terra Ceia Bay Aquatic Preserve. Raised alert in opposition to Skyway Resort. LWRH’s PE teacher presented info about PE fishing class and thanked us for support. Planned a Stienhatchee Summer Scallop Adventure. Environmental Summit topic – Minimum Flows for Manatee River. Supported Myakka River Conservancy Inc to protct land in the Myakka River Basin. Supported tarpon genetic recapture study. Provided funds for equipment for Riverview HS’s PE fishing class along Phillppi Creek. Heard from John Stevely about scallop count results.
- 2013 - Changed the club’s name to Manatee Fish and Game Association, Inc. with a new logo. Contributed $900 to Manasota 88 in opposition of SWFWMD’s permit for the Harbor Sound on Perico Island. Underwrote the expenses of Conservation of Gulf Coast Foundation Reception expenses. Annually contribute $100 each to Tampa Bay Watch, Reef Relief and Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast. Annually contribute 500 to forestry for lunch for FFA Field Day. Wrote letter to legislatures and government agencies and other agencies opposition to trading any state lands to developers (in reference to Rattlesnake Key). Conducted a membership drive, raising dues from $15 to $25. Purchased two commercial grade fryers. Gullett Mullet held at Palmetto Point. Drafted grant proposal documents. Provided member with grant to be certified as 4-H Shooting Sports instructor and to attend Appleseed Marksmanship Course at Manatee Gun Club totaling $765.00. Environmental Summit – future of coastal development in Manatee County. Combined seed collection with fall Duette tours. Opposed Long Bar Pointe mangrove development with letters of objection to Florida’s Division of Community Development and Department of Environmental Protection and BOCC.
- 2014 - Holiday gathering at Lake Manatee State Park. Supported Logan Smith’s shot gun shooting training and competition. Hosted Environmental Summit Candidate Forum in October and METV Candidate Forums with League of Women Voters. Gullett Mullet at Bayshore Gardens Rec Center. Purchased Epson projector. Participated in Mariposa maintenance event. Resolution to School Board to not sell property at the corner of 43rd St and Manatee Avenue West. Sent $100 to Archbold’s Research and Conservation on Florida Scrub Jays. Loaned tables and chairs to Geraldson’s Community Farm event. Hosted meeting with Damon Moore describing restoration plans for new Robinson piece and Perico; Oliver Howells of 4-H Shooting Sports club spoke about youth shooting; Logan Smith gave demonstration of shooting training; Damon spoke of quail habitat restoration at Perico Preserve and the uplands of Robinson Preserve expansion. Member holiday event featured “turkey shoot.” Hired webmaster. Signed on to the Clean Water Declaration.
- 2015 - Gullett Mullet at Bayshore Gardens Rec Center. Environmental Summit – panel on Hunting on Public-Owned Lands. Charlie Hunsicker and Damon Moore presented plans for the uplands of the new portion of Robinson’s Preserve. Agreed to earmark $2000 from conservation for this project. Old Braden River Historical Society donated to us plus $1000 of society’s remaining treasury at group’s dissolution to use as we wish. Sent letter to BOCC opposing restricting boats and trailers in front yards. Opposed referendum for Amendment One. Contributed $900 to Manasota88 to support expenses of the Harbor Sound hearing.
- 2016 - Hosted Cracker Christmas Fish Fry dinner as thank you to community and member support of MF&G at PSBP. Environmental Summit Candidate Forum and also METV Candidate’s Forum on Environmental Issues. Gullett Mullet moved to Terra Ceia Village Improvement Association’s Mullet Smoke Off. Provided support and advice to Braden Woods “Keep Woods” efforts. Began work with Parks and Natural Resources Department of self-guided tour book in memory of Chick. Storage trailer moved to Rick Bennett’s pasture. Attempting to find home for smoker. Conducted “Future of MF&G Survey.” Opposed Neal’s Harbor Sound. Agreed with Library that 1999 video MF&G produced: History and Culture of Emerson Point be put on DVD and secured a copy. Awarded fair prize for photo from river of spoonbills and herons at outlet from Robinson’s Preserve.
- 2017 - Strategic Planning to determine fate of MF&G. Created Giving Partner Profile with the Sarasota Community Foundation. Joined Manatee Community Foundation.